FDD’s Position Statement on AI-based Technologies in Education


Acknowledging the transformative nature of AI, the FDD recognizes the potential of AI-based technologies (such as ChatGPT, Bard, DALL-E, Midjourney, DeepMind and similar) to enhance learning and teaching, while upholding the vital role of language and human skills in creativity and academic growth. To this end, we emphasize personal skills as the primary foundation for academics and students, with AI serving as a supplementary resource. As FDD, our approach lies in fostering AI literacy among students and staff, exploring together the ethical use of AI tools while preserving the essence of human-driven scholarship and collaboration. 

Accordingly, the FDD considers all forms of counterfeiting, assisted by AI-based technologies, as a breach of academic integrity.  Transparency and clarity are key, for instructors and students alike, necessitating prior notice and distinct separation of AI-generated content from original work. Students may only use AI-based technologies in compliance with instructions provided by each course.

Along with the stance above, we emphasize that in the realm of AI tool usage, data privacy is paramount. We strongly advise the users of AI tools to be cautious about the legal and ethical consequences of potential data sharing and the learning process of these tools. 

The FDD envisions a harmonious integration of AI technology that amplifies educational quality while preserving the essence of human engagement, skill development and intellect.


Disclaimer: This is an evolving statement based on the current status related to AI tools and our needs. 

Last reviewed on February 7, 2024