Current Exam Schedule

The schedule of the midterm exams, for all freshman courses, is announced on mySU during the first weeks of each semester.

The schedule of the final exams, for all courses, is announced on mySU about a month before the final week.


Foundations Development Program
2023-2024 Spring Semester Final Exams Schedule

TLL 101.A2, D2,E2, F1Y, G1YTurkish Language&Literature I30.05.2024Thursday09:00-12:00
TLL 102.B1Y, C1Y, F1Y, H1Y, K1YTurkish Language&Literature II30.05.2024Thursday12:30-15:30
TLL 101.A3, B3, C3, D3, E3Turkish Language&Literature I30.05.2024Thursday16:00-19:00
TLL 102.A2, B3, C4, D2, E1Turkish Language&Literature II31.05.2024Friday12:30-15:30
SPS 101Humanity & Society I31.05.2024Friday16:00-19:00
HIST 191Principles of Atatürk I1.06.2024Saturday09:00-12:00
SPS 303Law and Ethics1.06.2024Saturday09:00-12:00
MATH 101Calculus I1.06.2024Saturday16:00-19:00
NS 101Science of Nature I2.06.2024Sunday09:00-12:00
HIST 192Principles of Atatürk II2.06.2024Sunday16:00-19:00
HUM 207Major Works of Western Philoso3.06.2024Monday09:00-12:00
SPS 102Humanity & Society II3.06.2024Monday09:00-12:00
NS 102Science of Nature II4.06.2024Tuesday09:00-12:00
HUM 322Maj.Wo.of Art:TheWorldBef.Mod.4.06.2024Tuesday16:00-19:00
MATH 102Calculus II4.06.2024Tuesday16:00-19:00
TLL 101.B2, C2, E4, G2, H1Turkish Language&Literature I5.06.2024Wednesday09:00-12:00
HUM 201Major Works of Literature5.06.2024Wednesday12:30-15:30
TLL 101.A1, B1, C1, D1, E1Turkish Language&Literature I5.06.2024Wednesday12:30-15:30
HUM 202Major Works of Western Art5.06.2024Wednesday16:00-19:00
HUM 317Major Works of Moral Philo.5.06.2024Wednesday16:00-19:00
TLL 102.D1, F4, H2, L2Turkish Language&Literature II5.06.2024Wednesday16:00-19:00
HUM 312Major Works of Modern Art6.06.2024Thursday09:00-12:00
TLL 102.A3, B2, B4, B5, C2, C3, D3, E2, E3, F2, F3, G2, K2Turkish Language&Literature II6.06.2024Thursday09:00-12:00
TLL 102.B2Turkish Language&Literature II6.06.2024Thursday09:00-12:00
TLL 102.A1, C5, G1, K3, L1Turkish Language&Literature II6.06.2024Thursday12:30-15:30
IF Prob.Solving8.06.2024Saturday09:00-12:00
HUM 321Major W. of Lit: The Modern W.8.06.2024Saturday16:00-19:00