Foundations Development Council

The Foundations Development Council (FDC) functions as a body that provides counseling and overseeing for the Foundations Development Directorate (FDD). It regularly gathers at least twice a year before the academic terms start and also on invitation when necessary. The Foundations Development Director and the Vice President (Education) are its natural members. 

Members of the FDC are selected among full-time faculty members who preferably taught or are still teaching University Courses (UCs). The FDC seeks to establish balanced gender representation where possible. In addition, it is preferred that there are representatives from each faculty. The selection process takes in consultation with respective Faculty Deans and the Foundations Development Director. A list of candidates is created with consensus and then candidates are informed and invited in order by the Foundations Development Director. 

The FDC oversees all functions of the Foundations Development Program (FDP), its common core curriculum design, and gives counseling for new ideas, improvement, and peer feedback. FDC guarantees that all FDP conducts are in line with Sabancı University's academic principles and regulations. 

The FDC takes decisions about design changes in the Sabancı University core curriculum, evaluation studies, and the staff/workload arrangements regarding the UCs and submits them to the Academic Council, which is authorized to open, close or change courses and manage related changes in program designs. The FDC takes decisions with simple majority voting. 

Foundations Development Council Members