FEEE 101examwill be offered on September 22th, 2014 at Sabancı University. 

The exam is in two parts:

The writing exam will start at 17:40 in Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS), G062 auditorium.

The oral exam will be 0ffered on FASS 1089, 1096, 1098, 1099, 1101, 1102 rooms. The participant lists will be posted on the doors.

The students who

  • get an A from ELAE June or ELAE September 2014, or
  • get at least 8 from IELTS, or
  • get at least 110 from TOEFL-iBT, or
  • get at least 637 from TOEFL-PBT

can take the exam.

The reading packs that you will be responsible for can be found from the link below. Please bring the reading packs with you on the exam.

Reading 1

Reading 2

Reading 3

Please send an e-mail to arzu@sabanciuniv.edu if you want to take the exam.

The students who have IB, ABITUR, MATURA or AP certificates do not need to take the exam.