Exemption from the First Year University Courses

Students who fulfill the outlined requirements are entitled to exemption from MATH 101 - Calculus I and IF 100 - Computational Approaches to Problem Solving. 

Students, who

  • have not yet taken MATH 101 
  • get at least 85/100 from the MATH 101 Exemption Exam (*) (given by Sabancı University in the week before the semester starts) 

are entitled to exemption from MATH 101.

MATH 101 Oral Exemption ExamMATH 101 Grade

(*) MATH 101 Exemption Exam is similar to a typical final exam of the course and it is in English.


Calculus Early Transcendentals 2nd Edition (Global Edition), Briggs, Cochran & Gillett, Pearson.

Content of the Exemption Exam: 

  • Elementary functions (Chapters 1 and 2) 
  • Derivatives: definition, interpretation, computation and applications (Chapters 3 and 4)
  • Integral: definition, interpretation and computation (Chapters 5 and 7)

Students who:

  • Have not yet taken IF 100.
  • Successfully pass the IF 100 Exemption Exam (**), a written exam administered by Sabanci University in the week before the semester starts are eligible for exemption from IF 100.
IF 100 Exemption Exam
Basics of Computational Thinking (CT)Total GradeIF 100  Grade
Min. 2290-100A
Min. 2284-89A-

** The IF 100 Exemption Exam closely resembles a typical final exam for the course and is conducted in English

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Application of computational thinking skills in practice.
  • Mastery of basic programming concepts in Python, including variables, assignment statements, input/output operations, conditional statements, loops, modular programming, file operations, and data structures like sequences and dictionaries, applied to real-life problems.

Exemption Application

If a student prefers to be exempted from MATH 101 and/or IF 100, they must come to the Foundations Development Directorate and personally submit an exemption request accepting the letter grade shown in the tables, no later than the end of the first week of classes. Students who do not sign the relevant request paper within the specified time cannot be exempted from the course.

Contact Information for Further Assistance: